you'll make it (and they will too)
book club

FRIENDS!! I am super pumped to announce our You'll Make It (and They Will Too) Book Club!


So, book clubs are my favorite and I love to meet and talk with all of you as you read or after! There will be questions, giveaways, all the fun things listed here and likely more because my ideas come as we go and become our own group.


Grab some friends and make an in person group OR find your favorite friends from around the country and join together. You can win a chance for me to Zoom in (or if a local group wins, I'll come in person) for just your group.


If you want to join on your own there will be tons of people to meet with in the group and we will have a WHOLE GROUP Zoom together! Plus questions posted every week and all sorts of other fun things (including a song written just me by my super talented and heavily featured in the book first pancake).


We NEED EACH OTHER FRIENDS. Take advantage of the good things the interwebs have to offer and join the club here to find community around parenting your tweens and teens.
May be an image of text that says 'ΥιΊ1 Make If (and They Will Too) BOK CLUB get together with friends (real and virtual) in our Facbook group. ask questions and discuss all things teens. participate in fun giveaways. have access to play lists, menus and more to make your in person book club even more fun! meet with the author (and your new book club pals) in Zoom book club meeting. register for a chance to have the author attend your book club meeting! Kick off September 23! Get your copy in hand by then, OK you haven't if yet, we can read together too! make'