Your Love Day Book List!
As we think about celebrating Love day I’ve got a nice little list of my favorite books about all kinds of love
My Favorite Books (lately) About Love
Love between friends
Office BFFsA super fun memoir for fans of The Office Ladies, The Office or friendship in general! Jenna and Angela’s friendship is a delight and the origin story of their relationship is also full of fun behind the scenes Office scoops! |
We All Want Impossible ThingsThis book will make you laugh, gut you, and send you into the arms of your own BFF. It is the story of walking in friendship as one friend faces the devastating end of their life while the other is left to support and walk beside. Highly recommend. |
Pet Love
Lily and the OctopusAddie LaRue finds herself set free from a future she didn’t want only to find the price is both immortality and invisibility. Spanning over decades this book will make you question everything you know about living life…and then of course there is an awesome twist because what book isn’t better without that? |
Lessons in ChemistryThis book explores love and life on several levels but the character of the dog in this one is crucial and just refreshing and fun. It is also a show so I beg of you read the book before you watch it on TV! Ok? Ok. |
Love of Food
Stanley TucciLove Stanley Tucci and now I broke my rule here and watched his show first, but it made me want to get his book! Food is one of my love languages and you will love everything about this!
Jen HatmakerWe have made so many recipes out of this one that I LOVE and that have become family favorites. Try her risotto and it will become a staple. Her roast chicken is amazing. So many other easy and delicious things in this cookbook you will thank me later! |
Love between sisters
Secret Book of Fiona LeaThis thriller hooks you in right away and has a ton of twists and turns. The characters are amazing, there is a scene with disappearing vomit I would love to talk to you about (one of those little things you notice as a reader you can’t stop thinking about) It was a fun book to talk about with the group it gave us an awesome conversation. No spoilers here but if you love a good page-turner this is your book. |
Pineapple StreetThis one is tops on my TBR and is the story of 3 sisters. Here is a small Goodreads snippet, “Darley, the eldest daughter in the well-connected, old money Stockton family, followed her heart, trading her job and her inheritance for motherhood but giving up far too much in the process; Sasha, a middle-class New England girl, has married into the Brooklyn Heights family, and finds herself cast as the arriviste outsider; and Georgiana, the baby of the family, has fallen in love with someone she can’t have and must decide what kind of person she wants to be” Grab it and read it with me! |
Learning to love yourself
Finding MeThis memoir from Viola Davis is one I stop people in the street to recommend. The story of overcoming extreme adversity to find herself and her dreams is just a STORY from beginning to end. If you can get it on audiobook so you can hear Ms. Davis read her own story right into your ears you will not regret it. |
I’m Glad My Mom DiedIf you haven’t read this yet you need to, Jeanette McCurdy tells the story of her rise to fame alongside her mentally ill mother will have you rooting for her all the way. It is a story of coming into your own and learning to forgive. |
Romantic Love
Tom LakeI adored this story, narrated from a mother to her adult daughters as they have moved home during COVID. Rarely do we get to look backward from this vantage point and learn about the loves in a mother’s life. So. GOOD. |
Expirations DatesI love this author and am so excited to read this book! Since I haven’t yet, it’s another you can read with me. Here is the Goodreads scoop, “Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together. The papers told her she’d spend three days with Martin in Paris; five weeks with Noah in San Francisco; and three months with Hugo, her ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Daphne has been receiving the numbered papers for over twenty years, always wondering when there might be one without an expiration. Finally, the night of a blind date at her favorite Los Angeles restaurant, there’s only a Jake.” |
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