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The Power of Unconditional Love

Can I talk to you a little bit about the power of actual unconditional love?

My oldest, who has always been this high achieving go-getter is in the process of rethinking all the things.

She was hit with coming home partway through her freshman year of college just two years ago when it all went to crud.

Getting their footing back has not been easy for some of our kids.

One of my proudest mom moments was when she decided to change her major even though it meant giving up a childhood dream and changing schools and that for her mental health it also meant taking a break.

So she moved home to her childhood bedroom and got herself a job at Starbucks.

She is happy and free.

And our hearts are filled with all the love and pride in the world for her as we watched her head out for her first day on the job.
Plus everyone was really happy to have her back in the fold.
And she got texts from all her people congratulating her.

My parents showed up at Starbucks to take her picture and see her in action.

This kid is taking her own path and is being celebrated and congratulated and loved on as if she had just won some sort of amazing scholarship. Because we all see how hard it has been and we see the courage it takes to walk the path less traveled.

Unconditional love is not set on accomplishment. It is not set on reaching a goal. It is not set on anything you will ever do or make.
Unconditional love is a love given so freely and for nothing…we love our kids no matter what full stop.

And watching and living that in action has been a moment of hope for me over these past few months.

Unconditional love HOLDS.

It holds in all the times, good and bad. When you have royally messed up and when you are on top of the world. You can trust it fully.

It is a gift we give to our children expecting nothing in return.

It is a gift they need more than anything else I suspect.

It is a gift that holds more power than I think we can even understand.

Unconditional love. Love without condition.

What. A. Gift

{My girl is back at school now, once again starting over and man I’m just still completely on her team.}


Ellie hugging Sam who is wrapped around her in the kitchen

Be Where Your Feet Are Sweatshirt